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Here’s how we’d know if we found gravitational waves

gravitational waves from merging binary star
Artist's illustration of gravitational waves from a binary-star merger. NASA

There's a rumor circulating that physicists have finally detected ripples in the fabric of spacetime — a discovery that could change physics as we know it.

These ripples are called gravitational waves and they emanate from calamitous cosmic events like when a star explodes or when two black holes bump into each other.

Albert Einstein first predicted their existence 100 years ago, and physicists have been hunting for them ever since. Now, some physicists are saying they're hearing whispers that scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) have finally detected the waves out in space.

LIGO has not confirmed the rumor is true, and many have their doubts about its veracity since a false alarm has happened before.

But here's how we'd know if LIGO really detected gravitational waves or not, according to an animation created by the lab.

How to detect gravitational waves

LIGO is a huge L-shaped detector that's been hunting gravitational waves since 2002. It relies on a laser to search for them.

ligo nsf laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory
This L-shaped LIGO observatory in Hanford, Washington, is one of three gravitational wave detectors in operation. LIGO Laboratory/NSF

The instrument shoots out a laser beam which gets split in two and sent down two 2.5-mile long tubes.

The beams both bounce off mirrors and converge back near the beam splitter. The light waves return at equal length, and line up in such a way that they cancel each other out.

As a result, the light detector part of the instrument doesn't see any light.

But should a gravitational wave come through, it would warp spacetime, and actually make one tube longer and the other shorter. This rhythmic stretching and squeezing would continue until the wave passes.

When this kind of interference happens, the two waves aren't equal lengths when they return, so they don't line up as neatly and no longer cancel each other out.

That means the detector would actually record some flashes of light. So a physicist measuring those changes in brightness would actually be measuring and observing gravitational waves.

LIGO scientists have told reporters that there is a lot of data to comb through and that they'll announce a discovery if and when they detect these signals.

They've made no announcement yet, but at least we know what they're searching for.

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